Aluminium Care and Maintenance

As with all materials exposed to the elements, regular maintenance is required to ensure maximum life and performance from the product. The life of an anodised, powder coated or painted surfaces can be greatly enhanced by applying a regular maintenance programme. This will ensure the removal of any dirt, grime, grit, atmospheric pollutants and iridescence. Any chemical attack on a decorative surface that is not regularly cleaned becomes increasingly severe and after several years, the finish may prove impossible to restore.

what we do

Re-Store is an exciting range of aluminium cleaning & maintenance solutions currently being introduced to the market.


Re-store C is a liquid emulsion cleaner used to clean, de-grease and remove oxidation from powder coated aluminium as part of the required maintenance.


Re- store P is an emulsion surface protector which will help protect powder coated aluminium against mechanical abrasion and UV damage.


Restore Eezi-Off is a translucent liquid used to loosen low tac adhesive from powder coated or anodised aluminium windows and doors.


Pictures before and after using restore products


FOllow these steps to MAKE full use of your product.

How to use:

1. Using water, spray or wipe the product / powder coating to remove any loose dust.
2. Apply Restore-C to a damp or wet cloth. (Dish cloth or similar rough cloth).
3. Wash the surface in circular motions until clean.
4. Visible oxidation (Powdering) will require more pressure and rubbing to remove.
5. Always keep the cloth wet with a sufficient amount of cleaner on the cloth.
6.To see if all dirt is removed, take a clean section of the cloth and rub a small portion of the cleaned area.
7. If there is visible dirt on the cloth, repeat the cleaning process.
8. RINSE WELL! And allow the surface to dry properly.
9. Apply Restore P to protect the surface and prolong the life of the product.

How To Use:

1. After thorough cleaning AND rinsing the coated aluminium with Restore C.
2. Apply the hydrophobic emulsion onto a lint free cloth and massage a thin layer onto the powder coated surface in circular motions.
3. Keep the coating as thin as possible.
4. Wipe the surface after application with the back of your hand.
5. The surface should feel smooth, but not oily.
6. If, after wiping with the back of your hand liquid is visible, wipe the aluminium with a dry portion of the lint free cloth until the excess liquid has been removed.

Restore- P can be used as often as possible in high traffic areas and on areas which are exposed to long periods of sunlight.


It is advisable, but not a requirement to work with a pair of gloves and eye protection to reduce the risk of injury. Keep product out of reach from Children.

How To Use:

1. Pull the tape off the aluminium. Do not use any materials which will scratch the surface coating of the aluminium or anodising.
2. Apply Eezi Off to a cloth. (Kitchen towel or similar rough cloth).
3. Massage the liquid onto the exposed adhesive.
4. Allow to evaporate and apply a second layer without rubbing.
5. Allow to dry for a few minutes After a few minutes the adhesive will change texture.
6. Apply more Eezi-Off to the original cloth and rub off the glue.